no crafting was done...

Oh my goodness, I went almost the whole day on Tuesday without stitching, cutting, piecing or inspirating, a very unusual day for me.  I did however do a little bit of knitting in the evening but that was it!
I blame it on my allergies which were in overdrive all day and I felt like I had a tissue stuck to my nose all day argh very annoying.

I did however get to meet one of my favourite quilters and a famous Moda Bake Shop girl, I felt very privileged, Jane was lovely and so encouraging about all my little ideas for quilting I feel quite inspired today to start work.

Here are Jane and I at a sweet little French coffeeshop in Chermside, I forget the name. Isn't she lovely:

You can find Jane's blog here Want it, Need it, Quilt it. where you will find all sorts of wonderful quilting goodness.



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