10 Layouts

well as i was browsing through the blogs today at work as you do, i came across one from the february daily bloggers to post 10 of your favourite Lo's so i thought woohoo i can do that LO's and not much writing
so here we go (oh and i'm counting the one i posted yesterday as the first one LOL) so 9 to go:
1. Chrissy's house I'm totally in love with the Blush papers by Basic Grey and they will feature pretty heavily in my 10 faves i'm sure
this was at Chrissy's house in the school holidays, Conor wanted to have a cake with his aussie friends LOL
the timer went off - will be back with more later LOL oh and we made muffins
I'm doing the 10 LOs on my blog too! Have made a slide show of all 10 faves at www.slide.com it even puts them all into one post for you. Still sitting in my drafts though, I keep getting distracted tonight! ;-)
Chrissy xx