for Lee - My crush

OK so i missed the deadline , so sorry Lee, life got away from me.

But i did do it sweetie
here's my entry for the first Category Stories challenge.
my crush
and the journaling is here:

for anyone looking at this and wondering what the?
the lovely Lee belongs to a new blog withe really sweet challenges, not the usual BOM or MAAM stuff but quirky stuff just the sort of thing Lee would do and it is here ...........
check it out there are some really gorgeous Lo's there, and lots of fun too, took me back to highschool a little bit, but lee you did Johnny so i had to think real hard about who i would do


Anonymous said…
Love it, thanks so much for playing along!!!
Lee :)
Anonymous said…
I'm with you Cass. Very very beautiful character!
love bek
Anonymous said…
Great challenge, he is gorgeous, that Mr D'Arcy. :)
Susan C said…
Loved that LO when you published it on Aussie. Yep I think Mr dArcy is really quite "crushable" too.
Anonymous said…
Wow just love that layout Cass...way to go!!
Courtney said…
Hi honey, This is great, but you know the only REAL Mr Darcy is Colin Firth ;-P

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