Honey Toast

Did i tell you that i've given up yeast!
I've been trying to eliminate some of the toxins in my diet and yeast was the first one to goand it did mke a differenceit's just finding the bread that is a little difficult albeit impossible, it either costs a small fortune or tastes disgusting. At the moment i have the most disgusting Rye bread but the life saver is that crumpets do not contain yeast woo hoo
Anyway as i was saying I'm home sick with this flu again and craving my honey toast comfort food, I just ransacked the freezer and found 2 slices of white bread so i have just enjoyed my first ever honey toast on white bread this month and it was delish (trying hard not to think about the freezer burn or just how long that bread had been in the freezer Oh dear)

Photo prompts over at HSMP are:

Self Portrait Saturday, so obviously i need a bit of work on this but what about the gorgeous Jason Bourne in the background ooh la la!


and then its favourite photo Sunday and i have to share this one again

I took this one at Australia Zoo last month and i love the way i captured the crocodile mid lunge, look at how amazing those jaws look!! Can you beleeve the trainers get into the cages with these guys scary!

Have a great week everyone!


Bobs said…
Wow - I wouldn't like to be that trainer! Yikes!! Great shot!
Angela said…
Great photos, love the croc one :-)
Diana said…
Good on you for getting in front of the camera for SPS lovely shot! And them jaws wellll woo hoo glad i was not in the water
Love di
Anonymous said…
Great photos and crikey the croc one is clever!!
Hazel said…
There's no way I'd get in that cage! Great photos.
Terrie Farrell said…
Great photos, well done. I could never give up bread, it's my chocolate! X
Anonymous said…
I went on a 12 months no-yeast-diet a few years ago which was really good. I actually put on weight which was good and DH lost a lot which was even better.
Love the pics from Australia Zoo especially the croc one.
Hope you and Conor are both well. xox
Terrie Farrell said…
Thanks for the comment on my blog and yes they were urban lily papers which are so lush but i agree sometimes hard to work with. Sometimes you just have to minimise what you do with it i think and choose a strong picture so the paper doesn't fully dominate it and sometimes handcutting works well on it too...sometimes the less you do with the papers the better it looks with UL.
Susan C said…
I'm a honey toast junkie too.

Have you tried just eating sour dough bread. Its made from a a cultured wild yeast, as opposed to a commercial bakery yeast. Have a look at the Sol Breads website.

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