this one was easy lol
i wanted to share my gorgeous little teacup, saucer and plate set my mum gave me oooh about 26 years ago 'sigh',
we found this gorgeous little set at a garage sale when we were living in New Zealand with my Grandma in Wellington, Mum and Grandma loved going to garage sales and most weekends would find us out and about searching for stuff (never can have enough stuff)
anyway when we were leaving to come back to Australia to live, we had our own Gargae sale and Mum put this little set out to sell, i was devastated not just because she was selling our stuff, but i really didn't want to come backto Astralia, i was 14 and had just had plastic surgery and really felt like i was finally fitting in after years of being teased (i looked different y'see, I had a birthmark on my face),
so i remember being really upset that Mum wanted to sell this little set ( funny how little things represent so much) so Mum being Mum and really quite wonderful saw that i was upset and gave me this little set for my glory Box ( do girls still have Glory Boxes these days)
well the end of the story is that i never got married LOL and i don't drink tea, so this beautiful teacup and saucer sit up in my cupboard for no other purpose than to make me smile everytime i see them
just a little bit of happiness i guess,
Cherish it!
Your teacup set is so adorable and so is the story behind it.
Hope you're well. :)