I failed
sheesh, so much for my photo a day LOL
and here's another Layout of Conor and I on Christmas day, I love this Layout of the 2 of us it really makes me smile, I'm so bad at taking these self portrait shots but we had a lot of fun!
and another I just used up leftovers form the aussles
how bad am i, life just keeps on getting away from me.
so i thought i 'd share what i've been doing this weekend
here's a couple of Layouts:
so i thought i 'd share what i've been doing this weekend
here's a couple of Layouts:

And did I tell you how lucky we were on Christmas day, after missing the first bus because it left early argh! Conor and I raced into the city and ran up the hill to Central with our little trolley of presents only to miss our train by about 5 mins. I noticed there was a Ferny Grove train leaving so I thought we could jump on that, at least that way we would be closer to mum's, but we arrived on the platform just as the train was leaving, we were sad!
the driver stopped for us! Can you believe what a sweetie he was/is. I almost lost my thongs hopping on the train which was pretty funny but we made it, we got off somewhere on the way to Ferny Grove and Mum picked us up.
and here's a couple of cards I made, I'm joining in Tina's challenge for a card a day! yeah right I've done 2 out of 19 oh dear
here they are:

so bye for now I should be back later with my photo for yesterday I can't wait to show you what my grandparents bought me!
I love this layout of you and conor on Christmas day. They are beautiful photos of you two!
love ya