just a quick post

so I had a day at home yesterday as i am completely exhausted!
I'm a little bit over my job atm as i have no time to do anything anymore, at least i'm sleeping a little better as the dogs are finally settling down and sleeping through the night.
I swear it's like having a newborn baby, only smellier LOL
so i finished off this layout form Conor's birthday in January, this is also my aussle entry, i have again signed up to do the monthly challenges over on Aussie as it makes me scrap, i also signed up to do the Daily challenges too and to top it all off i decided to do Christina's card challenges!
Talk about spreading myself thinly this month it's really not working with the 60 hour week i worked last week.
Don't wear yourself too thinly hon. Thats when people usually get sick.
Remember to take care of #1 (YOU!)...please!
Hugs, Lis xx