midnight visitor

ok so it wasn't midnight, early evening actually when we had one of these guys crawling across the front lawn.
There are a couple of international students in our street and we saw them following this guy (nicknamed Todd by Conor) down the street with the torch. By the time I got hold of the snake man we had quite a congregation outside our house. It was all very exciting but the snake man said he'd rather not, and not to hurt the snake (he was very worried i was going to hurt it) but if we leave it alone it'll just go away! All 7 feet of him, so to our neighbours dismay who are still sleeping with their windows closed i beleive, we let Todd crawl off into the bushes beside our house. We haven't seen him again but we keep a close eye on Haggy when he's in the backyard in case Todd thinks of having him for dinner.
Chrissy x