snuggle bug, long and dairy

and the prompt for yesterday was long:To measure a great distance from end to end. Find something long in your space today.
So after much searching for something Long to show you i finally remembered the weeds we are growing in our backyard, they have gottena little out of control since our mower broke down a few weeks back but all is better now and we will get rid of these little beauties on the weekend but isn't it funny, they almost look pretty in this photo LOL

So photo prompt is Dairy: Milk or milk products. Find some in your space today.
so whenever i think dairy this is what i see, i have not been able to have lactose since Conor and I had Rota virus about 12years ago! It used to be a lot worse but i find now i can tolerate small amounts of Dairy which means i some times get to eat another form of dairy CHEESECAKE woohoo!

How cute is this little bunny! Doesn't he have an awesome life, he gets to snuggle all day long while we're out at work and school, he doesn't do any jobs or anything! LOL


Chrissy said…
Just wanted to come on over and say a big cheery "hiya" and give ya a big cyber HUG too Miss Cassie.

Love ya sweetie
C x

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