Dec 1
A couple of catch up photos for Tracey C's Challenge.
2 Photos from Dec 1 , On Monday Bel and I came home to a fantastic surprise, Conor had gone mad and cleaned the house! And he wasn't finished there, he mowed the front lawn for me as well! Even though it was getting dark, so i had to take a photo for Tracey's challenge of my gorgeous lovely boy. Thanks so much babe!
2 Photos from Dec 1 , On Monday Bel and I came home to a fantastic surprise, Conor had gone mad and cleaned the house! And he wasn't finished there, he mowed the front lawn for me as well! Even though it was getting dark, so i had to take a photo for Tracey's challenge of my gorgeous lovely boy. Thanks so much babe!
I also managed to finish my christmas cards for the Christms card swap, i can't beleive how far behind i am in all my projects this year. So here they are......
please excuse the photo but i have ns photoediting software on my little laptop, Conor has said he'll put some on for me tomorrow.
I cheated a bit with the design for my cards, I signed up for the Jingle Bells series of classes over at Kim Archer Workshops at Home. I loved all the little projects and can't wait to do them all. I uploaded a heap of photos to snapfish today so i can finish another little project this week.
I've also been trying to catch up on my IT stuff at The Scrap Heap, but with the terrible week last week, i felt like i was in a losing battle. Hopefully this week will be different and everything will be completed.