busy week
Mon 27-8-07

so tired, what a day, i've been getting up early on Mondays so i can drop Conor at School by 7.30am for band practise, i do beleive this is a totally ridiculous hour to do band practise with sleepy kids BUT who am i to argue
So i was at work by 7.30 am what fun, the only bonus being that it is lovely and quiet at this time in the office and i can get a lot done.
I can't wait for tomorrow Malu will be back form New Zealand and Conor and I are spending the day with her before she goes back to Brazil for good this time - so sad
HSMS photo for today was Sun
here is the gorgeous sun setting on the cliffs at Kangaroo Point.
Love the beautiful golden glow the cliffs get at this time of the day.
PS I agree 7.30am at school is a little early.