last birthday EVER
It's my birthday!!! and i am
so i figure if i never have another birthday i will stay 39 FOREVER lol, well that's the theory
we had a fantastic afternoon yesterday so much food and a great time was had by me and i think everyone else
I got lots of pressies will share a photo later
i only have 3 photos cos i didn't take any i was way too busy but Cou
rtney, Malu and Amael had their cameras so i will get photos off them all tomorrow when i go to work
but i do have 2 photos to share ok may be 3
this one is the gorgeous cake Conor made me it's a chocolate Hedwig, served with RED jelly, Gianni pointed out that this cake was quite disturbing especially as we were eating him poor old Hedwig!
but didn't Conor do a fantastic job and he tasted so good!
Guess who i got to have a cuddle of Chrissy?
can you guess?
Can you?
yep it's Asha!!
and Michelle i'm so mad i don't seem to have the photo of the 2 of us in our matching outfits LOL
did someone else take it oh i hope so
So that's it no more birthdays oh but i do hope i still get pressies!!
I hope your day was fantastic (well it sounds like it was). I did think of you a few times wondering how it was going!!
Hugs babe!
Chrissy xxxx
PS That is truly naughty sharing that bubby pic!! LOL I haven't even had a cuddle yet!!! Wah!!! LOL
Thanks again for inviting us!
The big 4-0 isnt that bad
Luv 'n hugs
TD xoxoxo