finally an Autumn post

well after spending almost 24 hrs trying to come up with an Autumn photo for yesterdays prompt, which i thought was way to hard in spring in Australia

I was checking my diary tonight for tomorrows events (go flylady - you rock) and last weeks quote in my gorgeous Jane Austen diary is about Autumn so without further ado here is yesterdays photo:
now to find crockery sigh oh dear

I'm feeling really tired and a little sad too, have heaps to do at work, last day in the project office tomorrow,
i've made some great friends on this project but we'll keep in touch on facebook
so tomorrow i have to pack up our office, for the move to Geebung for a few weeks and then we'll be back in West End which is very cool, i really love working in West End

actually just reread that quote and it's kind of sad LOL


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